• Hormone Therapy(HRT)

Hormone Therapy(HRT)
natural hormone HRT(BHRT)

Hormone Therapy(HRT)(BHRT)

Having the correct levels and ratios of hormones in your body ensures that juvenescence and health are optimized and maintained. Unfortunately, hormone production declines naturally with age. However, it is now possible to reduce the effects of aging and disease by actively increasing hormones to youthful levels with Hormone Therapy (HRT). HRT enables you to maintain not only your health and beauty but also your appearance. A combination of oral medication, injections and topical medication helps restore youthfulness – physically, mentally and functionally.

Various symptoms when hormone declines

  • ·Fatiguability
  • ·Weak muscle
  • ·Easy to gain weight
  • ·Loss of sexual desire
  • ·Pain in joints
  • ·Wrinkles
  • ·Depression
  • ·Flabby skin
  • ·Cold hands
  • ·Thinning hair
  • ·Weak nails
  • ·Predisposition to colds or stubborn colds
  • ·Low on energy
  • ·Memory loss problem
  • ·Pain during sexual intercourse
  • ·Face burn problem
  • ·Hair growing problems
  • ·Worsen a condition of hair
  • ·Sudden perspiration
  • ·Urinary leakage
  • ·Predisposition to constipation

natural hormone (Biologically Equivalent Hormone)

It has been claimed that some HRT treatments can result in side-effects as the hormones used are not always identical in structure to hormones produced naturally in the body. At Azabu Skin Clinic however, we use hormones which have identical chemical structures to indigenous hormones and therefore potential side-effects are greatly reduced or entirely absent.

Flow of HRT treatment

(Consultation with our Doctor) - whole day available
(Blood examination) (Urine test )
<available between 10 AM – 12 AM>
※NOT available on Sundays and national holidays
(Start treatment<Start dispensing medication>)
Based on the examination, indtidualized hormone medication will be prescribed.
Blood examination is required at points of certain terms until hormone levels have stabilized. Thereafter, only bi-annual examinations are required.

To patients coming from afar, we ask you to come to the clinic on your first visit, but from the second consultation on, a telephone consultation is possible, so that you can continue your hormone therapy.



Types and function of Hormones


Estrogen is one of the female hormones and called estradiol, estrone, estriol. By replenishing estrogen (estrogenic hormone), it helps improve cognition, mental instability, menopausal syndrome such as insomnia, skin conditions, heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer, dryness and atrophia of vagina , and osteoporosis prevention.

Positive effect

· Improvement of cognition
- Improvement of Mental instability, menopausal syndrome such as insomnia
- Improvement of skin condition
- Heart disease prevention
- Stroke prevention
- Alzheimer prevention
- Improvement of genitourinary atrophia
- Dryness and atrophia of vagina
- Osteoporosis prevention


Progesterone is one of the female hormones which is secreted by the ovary. This hormone is essential for pregnancy, and helps relieve premenstrual syndrome (PMS), swelling and headache caused by period. It is effective for controlling symptoms of uterine bleeding by estrogen, enhancing effectiveness of estrogen by balancing withProgesterone. It also helps reducing risk of osteoporosis, heart disease, uterus cancer, breast cancer and migraine as well as improving menopausal syndrome, sexual desire and lowering percentage of body fat. It might induce sleepiness as a side-effect.

Positive effect

- Enhancing effectiveness of estrogen by balancing with Progesterone
- Reduce the risk of Osteoporosis, heart disease, uterus cancer and breast cancer - Improvement of menopausal syndrome
- Reduce migraine
- Improvement of sexual desire
・Reduce percentage of body fat

DHEA( Dehydroepiandrosterone)

DHEA is a steroid hormone which exists the most in the body and produced by brain and adrenal cortex. DHEA is changed to testosterone, estrogen and progesterone in the body and they are a precursor substance of sex hormone. It helps prevent obesity, diabetes and heart disease. It also involves in weight loss, muscular strengthening as well as improvement of memory skill, cognition, knowledge and sexual desire.

Positive effect

- Increase in energy and realization of health
- Heart disease and cancer prevention
- Reduce cholesterol and percentage of body fat
- Improvement of memory skill and cognition
- Enhancement of immune system
- Improvement of sexual desire


Chemical suffix: Somatotropin HGH is produced in the pituitary gland and absorbed into the liver by the blood stream, and converted to various growth factors. HGH adjusts the metabolism of protein, electrolyte and carbohydrates, and controls fat combustion. It is secreted during the hours of sleep and affected by exercise, stress, emotion and a crash diet. This hormone controls recovery and the growth of tissues.

Benefits of Human Growth Hormone

Benefits of Human Growth Hormone

HGH is available as a prescription drug that is administered by injection. HGH is an approved treatment for adult GH deficiency. Adults with proven GH deficiencies benefit from GH injections. They enjoy stronger bone density, increased muscle mass, improved exercise capacity, neuro-protection, and a reduced risk of future heart disease. HGH also promotes fatty acid oxidation which results to slimming and lowers cholesterol and total glyceride levels. Adults who are GH deficient also get larger muscles, more energy, and improved physical strength from replacement therapy.


Positive effect

Positive effect

- Improvement of nerve function, cardiopulmonary function and liver function
- Osteoporosis prevention
- Improvement of immune system and curative powers
- Reduce cholesterol level
- Reduce percentage of body fat
- Improvement of skin condition
- Increase in basal body temperature
- Recovery of sexual desire



Testosterone is a major male hormone. It is secreted by the testis and adrenal gland. It helps maintain sexual desire and energy as well as restore a mental balance. When the testosterone declines, it causes various symptoms such as deficient in virility, declining of bone and muscle, increasing percentage of body fat, depression, male erectile disorder, high-blood pressure, cardiac disease, menopausal symptoms(andropause). For women, it helps to improve sexual desire, skin condition, bone density and skin’s elasticity.

Kinds of Testosterone

Bioidentical Testosterone Cream / Gel

Creams and gels are one of the most popular ways to administer testosterone. It is applied to the skin and is very easy to use without the need to physically come to the clinic weekly or often.
The benefits of using gels or creams are:

  • Lesser side effect than synthetic hormones
  • Promotes a stable blood level
  • Through absorption through the skin, testosterone levels mimic the body's own production
Testosterone Shots (Injection)

Testosterone injection is another commonly prescribed treatment for low testosterone. This is because of its ability to provide predictable and stable levels of blood testosterone.
The advantages of using injection are:

  • Directly enters the bloodstream, minimizing absorptionloss
  • No possibility of metastasis to other parts
  • Provides a stable and predictable level of testosterone

Positive effect

- Improvement of menopausal symptoms
- Improvement of sexual desire
- Improvement of thinking power and memory skill
- Heart disease and Alzheimer prevention
- Reduce percentage of body fat
- Improvement of muscle strength and bone density

- Improvement of sexual desire
- Improvement of skin condition
- Improvement of bone density
- Skin’s elasticity


Thyroid is secreted by the thyroid gland, and involved in the development of organs and metabolism. When Thyroid declines, it causes hypothyroid, fatigue, chill, weight gain, constipation and low cognition.

Positive effect

- Improvement of skin condition and wrinkles
- Improvement of hair condition
- Improvement of poor circulation
- Strengthen nails
- Increase in basal metabolic rate
- Improvement of immune system
- Improvement of cognition

The report shown below is a sample result as a reference from the laboratory. It is revealing how closely they test submitted samples to provide the clients with detailed numbers on various categories.

Test Results 1Test Results 2
example report of salivary test


Consultation (First time)  ¥5,000
Consultation (Test results)
<Blood examination>

Tests to perceive your hormone movement by time and more sensitive physiological movement in your body
<Multi Subject Salivary Test>
<Stress Hormone Salivary Test>

Tests to perceive neurotransmitter such as Adrenaline, Serotonin and GABA
<Neurotransmitter Urinary Test>
*All prices are tax exclusive.

What is Peptide Therapy?

Peptide Therapy is effective in treating a wide array of conditions.
Recent medical studi es show that Peptide Therapy significantly helps in combating certain ailmentsassociated with aging. Peptide Therapy works synonymously with Hormon Therapy to improve several functionsof the human body including hormone production, tissue repair and healing, brain function, reproductivesystems, sleep cycle, weight loss, and sexual function. At Azabu Skin Clinic, our Doctor determines the appropriate Peptide Therapy that is right for our patients to help achieve their desired outcome.

What are Peptide?

Peptides play a major role in how the human body functions. Peptides are short chains of amino acid monomers linked by peptide bonds. Amino acids are the basic building blocks of proteins and many other different types of organic molecules. Peptides are frequently created by the digestion of proteins in the body, and many types of peptides are readily and rapidly absorbed by the bloodstream.

Lifestyle Advice

Lifestyle advice is evidence-based practice of assisting individuals to adopt and sustain behaviors that can improve health and quality of life. With the help of a medical professional, prevention and treatment of disorders caused by lifestyle factors such as nutrition, physical inactivity, and chronic stress can be acieved.

Achieving the Quality of Life

Achieving the quality of life can be done realistically and more efficiently with the assistance of a medical professional. At Azabu Skin Clinic, patient concerns are managed using evidence based medical treatments. Each of these treatments are customized and tailor-fitted according to the patient’s current condition and needs.

Age and Gender

Whether you are in your late 20s or early 40s to 60s, you must always be at your optimum health and wellness to enjoy every stage of your life. If you are a sports enthusiast, an active employee, a dedicated parent, a relaxed retiree, or whatever phase you may be in your life, there should always be a conscious effort to stay healthy and feel good from within. However, as the body ages, staying healthy gets tougher and harder.

The average female begins to notice a decline in health around her late 30s – early 40s and this is usually because of the hormonal imbalance that occurs within. Eventually, the female body will undergo menopause and experience all of its accompanying symptoms.

The average male’s health gradually declines after the age of thirty. Related with this decline are loss of lean muscle mass, increased fat especially in unwanted areas of the body and development of other age-related diseases.

Identifying problems and deficiencies, especially at an early stage, is crucial for a person to remain healthy. With the help and supervision of a medical professional, plus regular exercise, proper nutrition, supplements, and medications, we can prevent and mitigate the symptoms that come naturally and inevitably with aging.

At Azabu Skin Clinic, we will do a full blood work-up and intensive consultation with our highly-experienced Doctor to address all deficiencies and get you back on the road to good health – and keep you on that track.

See our Doctor and start living the quality of life that you deserve today!

Kinds of Peptides

BPC – 157

BPC stands for “Body Protecting Compound”. The human body already makes its own gastric juices in very small amounts which serves to protect and heal the body. However, in super concentrated dosage of this that gets in the human body’s system, it produces an extremely high level of biological healing activity just about anywhere it is put.

Since Peptides are naturally present in the body, BPC has no side-effects. It can be taken orally or easily injected subcutaneously.

BPC accelerates the healing of many different wounds, including tendon to bone healing and damaged ligaments. It protects organs and prevents ulcers of the stomach (usually arising from the damaging effects of NSAIDs like ibuprofen on the gut lining).

  • Other diseases that it can cure and repair are:
  • ・inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
  • ・Ulcerative Colitis(UC)
  • ・Crohn’s disease
  • ・CFS/Fibromyalgia
  • ・Autoimmune disease
  • ・Inflammatory conditions
  • ・Cardiovascular diseases
  • ・Diabetes
  • ・Allergies
  • ・Leaky gut

For athletes, sports enthusiasts, and people who exercise rigorously or on a daily basis, BPC can decrease pain in damaged areas, keep the body in anabolic state during or post-exercise, and stave off the central nervous system fatigue during long bouts of exercise.injuries more quickly.

Addiionally,BPC has shown to protect organs and aids in the prevention of gastric ulcers,leaky guts,IBS,Crohn’s disease.


GHRP (Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide) is a peptide to stimulate Pituitary to release Growth Hormone and Growth Hormone is clinically proven to help sustain health and vitality well beyond middle age.

The benefits of this Peptide include:

  • ・For those feeling weak, tired, fatigued ・ a boost of energy, strength, and endurance
  • ・For body-builders, gym enthusiasts ・ build new muscle cells to increase lean body mass
  • ・For those who are trying to lose weight ・ break down body fat and fatty acid
  • ・For Diabetics or genetically susceptible to Diabetes ・ reduce the liver’s uptake of glucose
  • ・For those who are in their prime years ・ improve heart function, strengthen bone density by increasing calcium retention, regulate insulin-producing pancreatic islets
  • ・Others:
    □rebalance other hormones
    □slow down tissue degeneration on a cellular level
    □accelerate wound healing
    □enhance non-REM (rapid eye movement) slow wave sleep
    □increase protein synthesis


GHRH (Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone) is a peptide that offers therapeutic benefits symbiotic to GHRP. It also stimulates the pituitary gland to secrete growth hormone leading to fat loss, lean muscle growth, and slow-wave sleep. Slow-wave sleep is also known as deep sleep and it is the portion of sleep responsible for body repair, muscle growth and memory retention,fat loss.

GHRH also stimulates extra-pituitary organs and gives various benefits including stimulating stem cells.

Brain Peptide

This Peptide is responsible for neuroprotective and neurotrophic repair properties. This peptide can penetrate the blood-brain barrier and act directly on the neurons of the central nervous system. It has been found to improve the metabolic activity of brain tissue, shield neurons from harmful proinflammatory cytokines, and stimulate the peripheral and central nervous systems. This peptide has been discovered to be a promising cure to brain inflammation,stress, Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, and moderate to severe head injury. The Brain Peptide enhances cognitive functions such as memory, creativity, and motivation in otherwise healthy individuals.

Sex-Enhancing Peptide(Bremelanotide)

Unlike Viagra and other related medications, the Sex-Enhancing Peptide does not employ the use of the vascular system but directly increases sexual desire via the nervous system. This makes it safer and more efficient for the user. This peptide has been medically proven to cause sexual arousal and treat sexual dysfunction in both men and women.

Thymus Hormone(Thymalfacin)

This peptide’s primary function is to stimulate the production of T cells which are an important part of the immune system. Thymus Hormone also produces antibodies through developing the B cells in the body. Another major benefit of this peptide is tissue repair. Thymus Hormone has been found to play an important role in protection, regeneration and remodeling of injured or damaged tissues.This peptide works for Chronic Fatigue,Stress,Immune deficiency,Hepatites B,and enhance the efficacy of vaccine.

High Potency Vitamin C DIV

Excellent effect on both whitening and improving immunity!

High Potency Vitamin C DIV

High-pontency Vitamin C intravenous drip has an excellent effect on skin whitening and improving immunity.It helps to prevent various diseases and has an antioxdant effect for anti-aging. Azabu Skin Clinic offers high-potency Vitamin C infusion that does not contain preservatives.
※Our high concentration Vitamin C does not contain preservatives.

  • Spot and freckles improvement
  • Dry skin improvement
  • Promotion of collagen production
  • Prevention of lifestyle diseases
  • Speeds up recovery from fatigue


natural Hormones are synergetic with Peptides. Hormones in the body should constantly be regulated and maintained while Peptide molecules control and replenish those hormones. When Hormone Therapy is combined with Peptide Therapy, optimal wellness and advanced anti-aging can be experienced on a greater level.

Call Azabu Skin Clinic today and make a reservation to see our Hormone-Expert Doctor.

Meet Tokyo’s Hormone-Expert Doctor

Peptide Therapy is the most advanced anti-aging treatment that is available today. Dr. Chiaki Kawashima custom-designs a therapy plan using prescription peptides to address your specific health needs and unique biological profile. Under the guidance and accreditation of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M), Dr. Kawashima has been trained at Peptide Therapy to interpret results of specific lab panels which shows growth hormone levels, and subsequently administer the Peptides that the patient needs.

At Azabu Skin Clinic, we have balanced hormones and stabilized the internal well-being of hundreds of patients. We can do the same for you so please do not hesitate to call us and make your reservations for consultation today.


Dear Reader,

On behalf of Azabu Skin Clinic, thank you for your time and interest in visiting our website.

The first step in solving skin problems is to find out the cause. Conducting the therapy and treatment which are most suitable for the cause and symptoms of a problem is the “shortcut for beautiful skin.” Like most women, I used to have skin problems. Hence, I would like to recover your skin’s own beauty as effectively as possible based on my own experience.

I became a Dermatologist after graduating from Tokyo Medical University. When I was still starting, I had the opportunity to work with and learn from the best mentors in the field of Dermatology. Their clinics were mostly located in the Tokyo Metropolitan and Kansai areas where a lot of patients with dermatological problems came in daily. The feeling of being able to help them solve their dermatological problems and be able to bring back their self-confidence was so rewarding and fulfilling. Hence, I decided to go a step further by establishing a clinic that would not only help the Japanese people but also the foreigners staying in Japan ― most of whom are having a hard time seeking professional help in the English vernacular.

Aside from participating in domestic conferences, I also actively participate in overseas conferences such as those held by the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery (ASLMS), and the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M). Attending and participating in these conferences enables me to continuously integrate the latest techniques and modern treatments into my practice.

Having a clinic located in the metropolis of Tokyo allows me to see and interact with patients from all over the world. The time that I spend with my patients, most of whom are foreigners, enables me to examine and be immersed in the different kinds of skin types and the problems that they are facing.

If you are currently experiencing any dermatological problem, it is my sincere wish to help you. Let me help you bring back your self-confidence by restoring your inner wellness and outer beauty. The process might be short or it might be long but I assure you that I will be with you every step of the way.

Together, let us make you better at Azabu Skin Clinic.

Sincerely yours,

Dr. Chiaki Kawashima

The Medical Team


Dr. Kawashima graduated from Tokyo medical College in 1992,March,worked Tokyo Medical College hospital from 1992,and at various other dermatological clinics.She furthers her knowledge through attending and constantly engaging in both domestic and international conferences, especially those held by the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery (ASLMS), and the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M).furthers her knowledge through attending and constantly engaging in both domestic and international conferences, especially those held by the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery (ASLMS), and the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M).

Current Position:Owner and President ― Azabu Skin Clinic(2002 ― Present)

Associations and Affiliations:

  • ● A4M eptide Certified
  • ● Associate of American Society for Laser Medicine & Surgery, Inc. (ASLMS)
  • ● Member of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M)
  • ● Member of the Japanese Dermatology Association
  • ● Member of the Society of Aesthetic Dermatology
  • ● Member of the Japanese Cosmetic Science Society
  • ● Member of the Japan Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
  • ● Member of the Society of Anti-aging Medicine for Women
  • ● Member of the European College of Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery

Certifications and Accreditations:

  • ● Certified Trainer and Instructor for Hyaluronic Acid Filler Injection by Galderma (Switzerland)
  • ● Certified Specialist of Doublo Treatments
  • ● Certified Specialist of Thermage Treatments
  • ● Certified Specialist of Dr. Obagi's Cosmetics

Clinic Schedule:Wednesday-Sunday (Reservation required)


Associations and Affiliations

Dr Takahashi graduated from Tokyo university post graduate in 2011,March, started working at Tokyo University hospital,plastic surgery department from 2001,April.

  • ● Head of the Department of Plastic Surgery – Saitama Medical University Kawagoe Clinic
  • ● Board Certified Specialist of Japan Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
  • ● Board Certified Specialist of Japan Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
  • ● Certified Physician of Association of Aesthetic Medicine
  • ● Board Certified Specialist of Japanese Society of Anti-Aging Medicine

Clinic Schedule:By appointment only


6-F Prescious#18 Building
4-14-6 Minami azabu,Minato-ku,

6minute from Hiroo st
Tokyo Metro HIBIYA Line 1 gate
(Wednesday AM11:00-8:00)
self care practice

Clinic Free Dial
Free Dial0120-005-327
Consultation reservation